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with our referral team at tech companies like

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How Tangent works?

1Create your account and video intro

Stop writing endless cover letters. Record a short video intro once to tell your story. Don't worry, we provide lots of help and support.

🔴 Record
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
You're connected! The next step is to agree a time for a video call
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
Hey Nayef!
1 hour
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
I just watched your video pitch and think you'd be a great BDR at Linkedin! We've got an open role and I'd love to tell you more about it. Want to to jump on a call to connect?
1 hour
Hi Denise, that's amazing and I'd love to connect! I've just sent you an invite for 4.00pm today. Speak then :)
1 hour
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
Brilliant! Speak soon 🙂
41 minutes
Denise is typing...
2Connect with Tech Leaders

Send a message to a Tech Leader, and arrange a call. Build your network and learn what it's like to work in tech.

3Get referred

If it’s a match, they will mentor and refer you into their companies. No more applying for jobs!
& yes this is 100% free.

Denise from LinkedIn has sent a message to the hiring manager, stating that she'd like to refer Nayef to the LinkedIn hiring team.

Your dream role in tech is just a click away!