Applying for jobs is the worst way to get hired!

Your 9 times more likely to get a job with a referral and Tangent is the best way to get referred.

No Network to LinkedIn Referral

"Until I joined Tangent I didn't know anyone at LinkedIn. Now I'm being referred into the company and am being coached by a top LinkedIn sales rep."


Why tech sales?

A referral is when an existing employee recommends you as a candidate to their company.

Anyone can do it

Entry-level roles in tech sales do not require any qualifications. No degree  required. All you need is the drive to work hard and learn on the job.

High Salaries

Salaries in tech sales start at around £30,000 a year + commission! In year 1 you can earn up to £45,000. In year two and three you could be over £100,000.

Work anywhere

Experience in tech sales is in demand globally. With 2-3 years experience you could work in New York, Dubai or Singapore.

Choose industry

+ Commission
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Start your career in tech sales with Tangent!

Why Tangent?

It's Fast!

With a referral from our mentors, your application goes to the top of the pile. Some candidates get interviews in 48 hours!

It's Easy!

No more wasting hours doing applications only for them never to get back to you. With Tangent you create your profile once and your done!

It works!

Thousands of jobseekers have joined Tangent to break in to tech sales and every week more people build their network, get interviews and get jobs.

Get a job in tech sales the smart way!

How Tangent works?

1Create your account and pitch video

Stop writing endless cover letters. Record a short video pitch once to tell your story. Don't worry, we provide lots of help and support.

🔴 Record
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
You're connected! The next step is to agree a time for a video call
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
Hey Nayef!
1 hour
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
I just watched your video pitch and think you'd be a great BDR at Linkedin! We've got an open role and I'd love to tell you more about it. Want to to jump on a call to connect?
1 hour
Hi Denise, that's amazing and I'd love to connect! I've just sent you an invite for 4.00pm today. Speak then :)
1 hour
Denise Jennings profile image from Linkedin
Brilliant! Speak soon 🙂
41 minutes
Denise is typing...
2Connect with Mentors

Send a message to a mentor, and arrange a call.
Build your network and learn what it's like to work in tech sales.

3Get referred

If it’s a match, your mentors will then refer you into their companies. No more applying for jobs!

Denise from LinkedIn has sent a message to the hiring manager, stating that she'd like to refer Nayef to the LinkedIn hiring team.

Your dream role in tech sales is just a click away!

Meet a mentor

Tangent mentors don't just fast track your a job search, they fast track your career!

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Revolut Logo


Caen is an experienced tech sales manager who is passionate about helping people from diverse backgrounds get into the industry. Watch his video to find out more!

Tangent has mentors for top tech companies waiting to refer you for a job.

Our mentors are ready to help you succeed

It’s time hiring in tech changed for the better

Our founders Gary and Joe both come from low-income, and it was tough. They didn’t have networks to help them navigate starting their careers.

That's why they created Tangent. So others like them would have the chance their talent and skill deserve.

Don't let your background hold you back

Sign Up now